November in the Folsom Historic District

This article originally appeared on The Folsom Telegraph.

November?…who turned the pages of the calendar so fast this year? 

Sure enough, here it is. In college, when I first met my husband he told me point blank, “Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year.” Initially, I didn’t understand that…I had always had a family forward, well attended, fully stocked Thanksgiving event. I probably didn’t understand the good fortune at the core of those events. Our college events were always well-rounded efforts, but when I would eventually return home for a Thanksgiving around my grandmother’s table, I was always overwhelmed with the warmth of the event. Traditions, flavors, actions, set-ups, they were all so…traditional…so comfortable, and so grounding. 

Now it is years later…I’ve been running KBC for almost 18 years. Now I find our routines for setting up for Thanksgiving the grounding force. Start the thoughts about pies, begin roasting sweet potatoes for the biscuits, Brussels sprouts are in the market now, get that salad started. It’s amazing how a routine can be so comforting. Or perhaps it’s just that I’m getting older and the need to have every experience be an out-of-the-box experience is just not there anymore and I’m good with that. When I look around the Historic District, there are so many events that will serve to ground my holiday yearnings…. 

Did you know that the Sutter St. Theatre is turning 12? How’s that for grounded? They are having a big afternoon of festivities in the Amphitheatre on November 5th, from 3:00-6:00. That theatre is such an asset to our district, and the quality of what they do is so well refined (did you know that they were awarded a national grant in 2017?!!)…it’s no wonder they are celebrating 10 years. Come down to the District and take part in the celebration!

The Ice Skating Rink is opening on November 10th. This is their sixth year… imagine, there are some young people who have skated in the Historic District at Christmas time every year of their lives! So great to have the ice skating rink be a part of our holiday traditions, year after year … 

The Historic District Annual Meeting, on November 14th, is a meeting of merchants who have businesses in the district. We visit, share info about the business of the District, and talk about the year ahead. It’s a great time to get in touch and solidify that common ground we have with each other… the work of making this Historic District a warm and welcoming place to visit, shop, and play. 

One of the things we’ll talk about, for sure, is the Small Business Saturday, November 25th. That has been a fantastic, busy day for the District for many years now. It’s about heading for those businesses that are independent shops, out there working to make things happen-one purchase at a time. Perhaps you’ve missed this event in the past…this is a great way to show your support for small business, get a few things ticked off of your Christmas list, and have a great time in the Historic District doing it. The charm of this District is undeniable… “come to the bright side…..”

This is such a busy time! Two more events that I’ll mention….the Christmas Tree Lighting is on December 1st. Such a great tradition…who needs Rockefeller Plaza? We have our own tree lighting event here! And the very next day, the Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair. A full on crafts fair in the middle of the district, up and down the street, with quality crafts made by the folks who are selling them. Love that!

Come and find yourself grounded in the District!


Karen Holmes is the President of the Board of Directors for the Folsom Historic District and the owner-operator of Karen’s Bakery.
Originally posted by Folsom Historic District via Locable